CLE Tracker Capabilities |
- Track CLE credit and seminar information for an entire law firm.
- Track credits for attorneys in different states.
- Identify teaching credits.
- Track seminar attendance and sponsor information.
- Track seminar fees and expenses.
- Archive old CLE credit information.
- Track credit compliance for multiple states.
- Complete statistics to measure your firm's professional development efforts.
- Complete program documentation and on-screen help.
- User-friendly menu system.
- Multi-user system.
- U.S. government section 508 compliant. (see Voluntary Product Accessibility Template)
Below is the type of information you can track. |
Attorney Information: |
- Office location
- Law practice group
- State Bar Registration Numbers
- Licensed in other States
- Seminar attendance and expenses
- CLE credits by type, by source and by State
- Date passed bar exam, date-of-birth, e-mail address.
CLE Credits |
Track up to 7 types of CLE Credits: - Easily add more types as needed. |
- General Credits
- Ethics
- Basic Skills
- Substance Abuse
- Professional Responsibility
- Law Office Economics
- Law Practice Management
- Prevention of Malpractice
- Attorney Client Disputes
- Elimination of Bias
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Trial Practice
Track Source of Credits
(Up to 7 credit sources) |
- In house
- Outside
- Self Study
- Carryover
- E-learn
- etc
CLE Tracker provides a complete breakdown of the source of credits. Use up to 7 different credit sources as needed.
Use different credit sources to show required seminars for new attorneys, make a distinction between course preparation time and presentation time, etc, etc. |
Track CLE Credits for multiple states. |
CLE Tracker can track credits for other states using the same or multiple databases. Have separate databases for each state where you need to track and report CLE credits. You can configure each database separately to match your credit reporting requirements. |
Seminar Information |
- Track upcoming CLE seminars.
- Create reports of upcoming seminars.
(No need to search through all of the brochures.)
- Search for a specific seminar. (both future and attended).
- Avoid retyping seminar information.
(Seminar information can be copied to the CLE Credit Reports.)
- Attorney attendance reports - show what seminars an attorney attended.
- Seminar attendance reports - show what attorneys attended a seminar.
- Import seminar information from text files.
Sponsor Information |
- Sponsor web site addresses
- Telephone numbers
- Sponsor contacts
Sponsor Reports will show: |
- How much did we pay each sponsor?
- What attorneys attended what seminars from what sponsors?
- What sponsor was visited most often?
- How many CLE credits were earned from each sponsor?
State Requirements: CLE Tracker is easily configured to match your state MCLE credit requirements.
CLE Tracker can:
Assign all attorneys the same reporting date, or
Divide attorneys into different compliance groups (max 5), or
Assign each attorney their own reporting date.
Use different MCLE requirements for new and senior attorneys.
Maintain multiple databases for your branch offices.
Provide detailed statistics to help measure your firm's professional development efforts. |
CLE Tracker Reports: |
CLE Tracker provides reports for the following areas:
- Attorney reports
- CLE credit reports
- Sponsor reports
- Seminar reports
- Statistics reports
Program Requirements: |
- CLE Tracker is a Microsoft® Access database application.
- Requires Microsoft® Access 2000 or higher.
Or the Access runtime.
(you can download Access 2003 runtime here)
- Runs on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
- Requires 12 MB (Megabytes) of disk space and 64MB RAM.
- Can run on a network to allow multiple users.